
Today is Part 3 (final) of our series Do you have what it takes? Make sure to check it out Part 1 and Part 2 in case you missed them. We are going to discuss four more qualities that are necessary to become an awesome window treatment installer. In case you are wondering if installing window treatments professionally is for you, the qualities below will give some direction if you fit the profile. It is also a great guidance for dealers that are looking to hire an installer.


  • Organizational skills

A great quality that always draws attention in a positive way is high organizational skills. In the installer’s world, they can range from how tidy your working vehicle is to how neat you keep boxes and tools during an installation. While working on a construction site does not necessarily require keeping your work area organized, working in a high-end home does require some organizational skills. Having your tools spread all over a high-end residence can be a sign of poor professionalism, i.e. lack of organization and care. I suggest bringing a moving blanket or tarp to protect floors and use its coverage area as your limit to spread your belongings. That way you will portrait a good image and as a bonus, you will be less likely to leave any tools behind.


  • Clean and neat

Proper and clean attire, clean shoes, regular showering, and smelling good should not even be necessary to bring up here. However, not everyone gets the memo that when dealing with custom products you are dealing with clients that have disposable income. Those clients expect attention to detail not only from the products but also from the workers servicing their homes. If you are not able to keep your hygiene at a high level, you may not be a good candidate for the window treatment installer world.


  • Working in awkward positions

Imagine that large room with tall windows … now look up towards the corners. That’s where you need to reach to install the brackets. There will be occasions when the window is placed over a staircase. On other occasions, the shades will be installed in a 5” x 5” pocket and 12” to 18” recessed into a ceiling. Not only will you need to twist your body or work off balance on a ladder to reach those locations, but you may need to hold the bracket with one hand and a drill with the other. I have experienced installations that took 10 to 15 minutes just to be able to engage the product into the brackets. If you are not able or willing to endure such situations, installing window coverings may not be for you.


  • Don’t keep it to yourself

One of the greatest signs of confidence is the willingness to share your knowledge. Our industry is very unique and there are multiple ways to achieve the same results. Some techniques are certainly easier than others and could easily save you time and money. Keeping all the knowledge and finds to yourself may earn you the title of someone who does not deserve help when in trouble. Don’t be that person. Great installers that share knowledge with their peers are respected and appreciated by all. Lead by example and return the favor every time you can.