
Most people agree that installing window treatments professionally requires a great set of skills: technical knowledge, problem solving, good math abilities, communication skills, organization and cleanliness.

Unfortunately, there is one component that most of us take for granted: taking good care of our body – the most important tool in our toolbox. Think about it: driving for long periods, standing on ladders, mostly unbalanced, holding treatments in one hand while drilling with the other, many times rushing between jobs and lacking a proper meal are some common examples.

When you are in your 20’s and 30’s the body is still strong and can take the beating, but eventually, you will pay the price for neglecting proper care for so long. I’ve started to realize that while in my early 40’s, as I woke constantly with back and neck pain. I was seriously considering changing careers.

Fortunately, someone suggested that I find a massage therapist and my life started to change. I started to learn the many needs my body had and how neglectful I had been.

Below, I list some of the things I do now that help me maintain a healthier body and, consequently, that help me perform my job as an installer:

Deep tissue massage – I visit the massage therapist every Saturday at 8am. For the next hour, she will work on the parts of my body that took the most abuse during the week. Usually they are the same ones: neck, lower back and calves, as these are extremely important to maintain your balance while on the ladder. I buy packages of ten sessions and save a bit in cost.

Hydration – it is very hard for me to remember to drink enough water, as I don’t often feel thirsty. So much so that I had two separate kidney stone crises! In case you never had one: they are extremely painful and very costly, as they require medical attention immediately after the pain starts.

What I did to force myself into drinking enough water was to buy a 2 liter jug on Amazon. I fill it up every morning and hopefully by night it should be empty. It requires some time to get used to it and also to carry it around as it is big and won’t fit in your regular cup holder.

I also add two squirts of liquid chlorophyll. That turns the water green but has no taste. Chlorophyll helps the bloodstream to absorb more oxygen and consequently your body gets more energy throughout the day.

Deep sleep – Think about it: we spend between 6 to 8 hours in bed every night. That period should be treated royally as your body nourishes and recovers from physical and mental stress. Invest in the best mattress possible. A great mattress is not cheap but it is well worth the investment. Make sure to add great bed linens and an ergonomic pillow too. I even have an electrical blanket to pre-warm my bed, so when it is bedtime, my side is toasty and my body starts relaxing immediately.

I also visit an acupuncturist once a month to enhance the relaxation of my muscles with cupping and dry needles, and a chiropractor every two weeks to adjust and re-align my bones.

There are other things that you can do to help improve your body health, such as healthy snacks instead of fast food. Go to the gym or attend pilates or yoga classes to strengthen your core. And even some CBG products (not available in every state) are helping some of my colleagues with pain and stress management.

Here’s the bottom line: it does take time, money and a different attitude to enhance your well being. However, doing nothing will aggravate your current situation to a point that you won’t be able to perform your job satisfactorily. Consequently, it will stop you from generating an income. And that will have much worse consequences!